about frauki


Hello there!

Frauke Hameister is a Leipzig based creative and freelance photographer whose work is characterized by a strong story telling component, giving the viewer the feeling of being part of the adventure.

Passionate about capturing the world unfolding around her, she has used the platform Instagram since 2014 to share her experiences and impressions. Recently she started using the App TikTok to connect with a younger audience as well.

Frauke aims to tell stories through her images and to encourage others to find joy exploring this beautiful world while respecting the nature around them.

Frauke grew her brand quickly, has a strong connection to her audience and is one of the most well-known creators on the European market.
She hikes and photographs her way through this world and has worked alongside different tourism boards and clients such as: Garmin, The North Face, Polestar, My Switzerland, Samsung and Swedish Lapland.

Learn more about Frauki in these articles and interviews:

Squarespace Making It - Frauke Hameister on Using Photography to Take Viewers on an Adventure

Hiking through the Alps - Olympus camera systems

Herbstwanderung durch den Harz - Adidas Terrex

Reiseabenteuer Kanada - amazon blog Gastbeitrag